Bringing Alcohol Into Utah

by David

Can we bring wine from Montana for our Lake Powell cruise? We heard rumors that we had to buy it there.

No you can't legally.

Utah is a “control state”, and only the Utah Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (DABC) may lawfully import import alcoholic beverages into Utah. Private individuals may not lawfully import or transport them into the state.

Under Utah law "alcoholic beverages" include all hard liquor, spirits, wine and beer. Beer and other malt beverage products that exceed 3.2% alcohol by weight or 4.0% by volume are considered "liquor". Beer with an alcohol content of 3.2% or less is defined as "beer".

It is what it is as they say. It is an archaic and ridiculous law ... in my opinion. And you can see many vehicles coming back from Wyoming every weekend with Utah plates. And with Wyoming alcohol in the trunk.

But they're taking their chances with one of Utah's many guardians of higher morals - the Utah Highway Patrol.

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Feb 13, 2024
Updated NEW
by: Rod - owner

The above articles is no longer true. Please see my updated page here is you are looking at this in 2024. Just cut and paste the URL:

Oct 10, 2023
2023 NEW
by: Anonymous

So for an updated and greatly expanded version of this article, go to my page here:

Mar 18, 2022
Out of state liqour purchases NEW
by: Anonymous

So the law states
The chief of police and all citizens, of Wendover Utah
have to drive to Tooele,
to buy liqour?

Mar 07, 2021
Guess what! NEW
by: Anonymous

Taking the forbidden to Utah adds a bit of zing to the trip.
Kind of Like California and it`s forbidding the bringing back of left over ammo after hunting in Utah.
As far as I`m concerned they have opened up a new and exciting field of collecting.
I think they are dreaming up what books are bad for us now.
Beware of purchasing ammo in Nevada , California has agents posted and recording California license plates . Then the CHP will tail you until they observe a lane change without turn signals on for the required distance. Few people will and it`s all they need

Jan 12, 2021
Update on bringing wine into Utah NEW
by: Anonymous

This FAQ says you can bring 9 liters (a case of standard size wine) into Utah if you buy it outside the state. Other situations covered in the FAQ as well.

Nov 03, 2019
Moving to Utah NEW
by: Anonymous

You get a onetime allowance to move your wine into UTAH if you build a home in the state - need to call the Utah Alcohol board and get approval - it’s easy and only $25

Sep 17, 2019
Moving from Calif to Utah
by: Anonymous

Am I allowed to move my personal wine collection from my home in California to my new home in St George Utah?

Sep 04, 2019
by: Anonymous

I can understand a state restricting importing large amounts of alcohol in order promote its own wine industry, but Utah’s laws prohibiting bring in any alcohol, even in your luggage, are out of bounds and I wonder if they are even constitutional? Why not allow people who are nonmormans who are vacationing in your state to bring six or 12 bottles of wine into Utah? There is no way a.state sponsored liquor store has the kind of wine people like to enjoy.

May 25, 2019
Utah Highway Patrol is not the Morals police NEW
by: Anonymous

You cannot police the free market... That's what Utah is trying to do. Every time Cities, counties, or states attempt to do so: people buy from neighboring municipalities and bring their money elsewhere. I'm sure that border towns in Wyoming, Colorado and Nevada have no problem taking Utahns' money at liquor stores. Money that Utah could be making if not for their outdated laws.
They refuse to learn and instead impose laws that punish people for seeking the best bargain for their buck.

Nov 01, 2017
catch me if you can! NEW
by: Anonymous

Po Po has to catch me first!!! I'll pack it in moving boxes labelled kitty litter and basement!

Apr 05, 2017
Alcohol is a local issue NEW
by: Anonymous

It's not a great law, but a lot of other states do have similar regulations on booze and tobacco, at least for tax purposes.

Since Prohibition, alcohol has been expressly a local issued, handled at the state, county or city level.

Oct 02, 2016
Personal Use NEW
by: Anonymous

Would be nice to have national laws that don't confuse someone that is coming to utah for a vacation. Its not like these guys are buying 1000 bottles and trying to run an alternate liquor store. What ever happened to personal use.

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