Rice-Eccles Stadium Parking

by Julie

Rice-Eccles Stadium

Rice-Eccles Stadium

Where can I park for Utah Ute football games?

Well, as nice as the stadium is, the parking sucks. There isn’t any unless you’re a Crimson Club member paying a hefty price.

The best bet is to take Trax … the Salt Lake City light rail transit system. You can park in any one of a number of large lots and take the train right up to the stadium.

You can come from downtown … whether you’re staying there or not. There are plenty of large parking lots downtown.

We’ve always parked on the side streets just off 1300 south directly southwest of the stadium. But as the crowds get bigger, the walk gets longer. In fact, lately the walk has been from the other side of East High on 900 South.

There are some on-campus lots that aren’t bad if you want to walk a little. The Engineering Building parking lot is huge and takes you on an enjoyable walk through campus. The Union Building has a smaller lot.

I literally stopped going to Utah basketball games back in the early 2000’s because the parking on campus disappeared. Construction for the Olympics and other campus buildings has decimated the available campus parking.

To sum up, if you’re not a season ticket holder with a parking pass, you’re either walking a good distance. Or taking Trax.

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Jun 18, 2024
Updated Post For Rice-Eccles Stadium Parking
by: Rod

For an updated and lengthier article on Rice-Eccles Stadium Parking, just copy and paste this in your URL: https://www.utahtravelsecrets.com/rice-ecclesstadiumparking.html

Sep 20, 2023
Not Getting Any Better
by: Rod

I completely agree with you Tom. I am the blogger and owner of this site. I am also an ex-Ute football player, an alumnus and a LONG-TIME season-ticket holder. I'll give credit when it is due but there is none in this case.

I'm not getting any younger myself. We pay only $50 for a parking pass to the parkade in the lot across from the Huntsman. This is for football.

Getting into there before a game and out of there after a game is a nightmare. In fact, last game we went to our old stand-bye over by East High because it took us almost an hour to get out of the lot after the Florida game. It is a 20 minute walk one way.

A year ago, I couldn't do this walk. Two new hips and I'm back to being able to do it but I know some people can't.

Trax, Uber, having someone drop you are all options. Parking is a bad one. We actually stopped going to basketball games because of the parking situation.

It seems like the more people the athletic department hires, the more money they demand, the fewer good ideas they come up with and the less help they provide.

Each year, the price goes up, the rules and restrictions increase, the concern for fans goes down.

It's always funny to hear them ask why people don't go to basketball games any more in mid-winter. Fill out a survey but you'll never get an answer back.

Aug 28, 2023
Ute game parking NEW
by: Tom

Hi Julie,
We also gave up our season tix in 2000, for Basketball. I'm in my 70s now. It would be ice cold and snowing when we would arrive for the game. We would have to park a very long distance from the arena. As we walked, the closer we got the more empty parking spaces there would be. It was pure torture and down right sadistic.
This might be our last season for football, for the same reason. The lots north of the stadium are not full. Yet they make us walk on bad knees for way too far.
What other places charge their employees $250/year to park and then have your pass voided for sporting events. Pure greed!

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