Swimming in the Great Salt Lake

by Joann
(Chicago, IL)

What would I expect to happen to my fingers and toes after swimming in the Great Salt Lake? Would they wrinkle or feel tight? Need info. for school paper. Thanks.


No more than any other lake. It's a lot saltier than the ocean though. So your skin basically just gets coated with a white film of salt.

Don't get the salty water in your eyes. You can't really swim as it's quite shallow even hundreds of yards from shore.

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Aug 16, 2015
Your fingers don't prune
by: Anonymous

Your fingers don't prune, which is kind of a big deal. Some research study is claiming your fingers prune when whet so you have a better grip in water. Who knows, but it doesn't happen when the water is that salty.

Jun 16, 2012
You can swim in the Great Salt Lake
by: Gords

The depth of the water depends on where you are. At Black rock, you can swim 10 yards from shore. At white rock bay, or unicorn point at Antelope island, yes, it's a several hundred yards wade to a swim able depth.

There is an annual swim race in the GSL.

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