The Pessimism of Utah Football Fans

by Rod
(Salt Lake City)

I heard the "Voice of The Utes" Bill Reilly on his radio show the other day talking about how negative the texts and calls were that he was receiving from Utah football fans.

He was amazed at the pessimism and negativity of the "Ute "faithful" (ha ha). After three games, the Utes are 3-0 having beaten two Power 5 teams. They are ranked #11 in the nation.

They have been without their starting QB. They are starting a freshman QB. They had as many as 16 players out including 8 starters for their first three games.

Yet the Utah fans continue to express their usual know-nothing attitudes about the Utes. Face it, the average college football fan knows very little about the game. The ones sending these kinds of texts to Bill Reilly are the same types of fans that Utah ... and other programs ...have had for years.

I've listened to the same pessimism and negativity over the years regardless of our record so it's no surprise. I'm used to it and it isn't going to change.

They will always compare scores with what the other conference teams are doing regardless of the circumstances. Lack of knowledge of the game and lack of knowledge about this particular team.

Don't be surprised by it Bill. As long as they keep coming to and watching games, they can say whatever they want.

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